RED DAWN (1984)

John Milius’s 1984 film Red Dawn has a reputation as a jingoistic conservative fever dream, but we talk with Nat Hansen, who argues that its political outlook is more complex and more interesting. Along the way, we also discuss the film’s portrayal of masculinity, the toll of war, the film’s many references, from The BattleContinue reading “RED DAWN (1984)”


We are joined by Fran Hoepfner (BW/DR, Fran Magazine) to experience the triumph and tragedy of the Von Erich family. We discuss wrestling (duh), Zac, brothers, fathers, bodies, cults, the American political circus, all while trying to figure out our wrestling names and signature moves. Tonight, I walk with my brothers. Kerry Von Erich

TOP GUN (1986)

We stuff into a tiny F14 cockpit with Sean Burns (WBUR’s The ARTery) and fly into the danger zone to discuss why Top Gun is a sports film that forges a new American myth with dazzling imagery and zero subtlety. We consider the view that Tom Cruise is America’s son and get into the trenches with KellyContinue reading “TOP GUN (1986)”